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Modus Operandi



I've always wanted to do, or participate in a "Best of" something in regards to wrestling. The reason(s) I had not is due to lack of time, footage, knowledge, etc (excluding two 80's DVDVR projects I simply had to do). After realizing if I were to do something in that regard myself, then I wouldn't have to deal with any deadlines and could complete it at my own pace. This is what has brought me here, to the decade of the 2000's. I chose it for many reasons which include:


* I've seen 80's and 90's done to death, but much in the way of this decade.

* I stopped watching wrestling in 2007 altogether, and had seen almost nothing outside of WWE for the decade.

* I had everything I needed (through 2007 as I have zero 2008 and 2009 stuff as of this writing) in terms of footage needed (TV, PPV, ROH STUFF)


So now that I've established my reasons, let me explain my plain as I've laid it out.


1. Starting with January 2000, watch all PPV's and big shows (ROH releases, SNME, etc) in sequential order.

2. Make note of those matches I felt were worthy of consideration for at least a second viewing.

3. At the end of each year, go back and watch the TV for all applicable promotions repeating # 2

4. Continue this until I reach December 2007 (Since I do not have anything further as of now).

5. After the initial run, go back and watch the noted matches a second or sometimes even a third time to further refine my list.

6. Repeat # 5 in the same method as # 4.


And so that is where I am now. I watched sequentially to August 2007 and became really burnt out on ROH since at times they ran four shows between TNA or WWE PPV's, but have since restarted and I am currently 1/3 the way through TNA Bound For Glory 2007 (October). During my burn out face, I skipped back to the year 2000 and completed it.


There are a couple exceptions:


* Japan and Mexico footage is largely unavailable to me so for those I "cheated" by scouring the internet for largely pimped matches and picked roughly the top 30 pimped matches per year with the intent of finding them online and reducing it down to 10. I have done this only for the year 2000 so far and was largely successful with Japan, but Mexico was very difficult to find on the video sites. I do plan to thoroughly go through them before project end.


* Indies. Other than ROH, I haven't seen any indy matches from this decade since very early on through Wes Hatch's old East Coast Indy Remix tapes. I tried, like for Japan and Mexico, to find the most heavily pimped matches, but consensus seems more elusive here. Of course there is the Danielson v. Ki matches and King of the Indies 2001 -- but beyond that I'll again have to come up with something going forward.



Now that the boring ramblings are out of the way, I expect to use this blog to document my progress, struggles, and thoughts as I wrap this up. I eventually plan to release my "results" for peer review, debate, or possible agreement.




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