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Black Terry handhelds

ohtani's jacket


LOS TEMERARIOS (Shu el Guerrero, Black Terry y Jose Luis Feliciano) vs LOS FANTASTICOS (Kato Kung Lee, Kendo y Blackman), 3/16/02


This was from some UWA tribute show back in '02.


It was a typical Fantasticos match, with a bunch of dueling takedowns leading into Space Cadets type spots, and Blackman in particular was really good at that shit, but what impressed me were the Los Temerarios. It was like they hadn't skipped a beat. Terry had this really awesome slap exchange with Kato Kung Lee, where he got backhanded by a slicing karate chop and sold the fuck out of his nose. Shu asserted himself as the patron saint of this blog by doing the greatest trip up ever. It was classic Shu -- planting himself face first, then going after the ref, accusing him of pulling on the top rope. And Jose Luis Feliciano, I dunno where he is these days or what he's doing, but he ought to be working 'cos he was all class. The rudos strung together some nifty spots and even better than that -- nifty reactions to the technicos, who were dancing like technicos should. Watch Terry's selling in the finish. Beautiful.


Black Terry, Cerebro Negro y Dr Cerebro vs Negro Navarro, Trauma I y Trauma II, March/April '09


This kinda reminded me of 2008 BattlARTS -- lots of stiff shots and nasty looking submissions, with Navarro and Terry playing the Ishikawa and Ikeda roles. I'm not sold on Navarro as a brawler, but man, you do not want to piss him off. The big Navarro and Terry exchanges were awesome, following on from the clips we saw last year. At this point, it's a toss-up whether you wanna see Navarro face Solar or Terry. I kinda lean towards Terry because you know they'll bash the shit out of each other. Terribles Cerebros are becoming a really fun trios, but get the fuck out of the way and let's see a singles match again.


Is there any bigger legend than Black Terry? His work this year has been better than anything Casas has done in years. One thing I want to say about the Casas love this year is that his skipping in that Mistico match was fucking embarrassing and I just knew that people would point to it as classic Casas. Enough. We will be canonising Black Terry this year.


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