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[1993-04-10-SMW-TV] Bobby Eaton vs Tom Prichard


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Cornette is hilarious lecturing the two on the rules beforehand, like a 1950's referee. Unfortunately there's barely a match, as they trade wristlocks and hiptosses for a bit and then start scuffling, leading to Cornette entering the ring as we cut to commercial. And when we come back...the match is over. I knew this was going but I genuinely wanted to watch these two trade holds for a little bit.

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  • 8 months later...

Well this was a let down! Cornette is going to remain impartial for this match and just watch it from ringside. Before the match starts he gets in the ring and runs down the rules with both of them, like no hair pulling, eye gouging and to break before the five count. They exchange a few holds and Cornette is torn at ringside as they both try to get help and advice from him. Just as the match starts to get heated Cornette gets in the ring again and we go to a local interview. When we return from the interview that match is already over.


Cornette is the highlight here, especially 'playing' the referee before the match commences. Again, not really expecting much and you have an idea of what would happen, but amazingly it is even worse.

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  • 8 months later...

So that was it? They didn't even bother to announce a decision. We all knew that there wasn't going to be any kind of finish, but at least disqualify both guys because Corny jumped in the ring. It's almost like this whole match and the angle before it (Bob picking Prichard's name out of the hat to face Eaton) never even happened.


If it wasn't for the commentary, there would have been literally nothing to this match at all, but it was worth the eight minutes I spent watching this to hear Bob, Dutch, and Horner make fun of Corny. Otherwise, this whole thing was a waste of time. They should have booked an Eaton-Horner rematch (with a Prichard run-in to further the dissension story) instead.

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From what I remember, the Bluegrass Brawl footage was longer (and far more important for the TV show) than anticipated and so this got cut down. Sometimes, things like that happened. The TBS Saturday Night show was notorious for starting big main event matches and then leaving the air, with the match never mentioned again. They probably should have done this or that, but, they had other priorities and Bobby was leaving anyhow.

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  • GSR changed the title to [1993-04-10-SMW-TV] Bobby Eaton vs Tom Prichard

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