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[1993-04-24-WWF-Superstars] Update: Lex Luger and his steel forearm!


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Footage is shown of Luger knocking Bret Hart out at the Wrestlemania brunch. Jack Tunney's office did an investigation into the forearm and learned that he had a steel plate implanted after a motorcycle accident, and because it's part of his anatomy, they are powerless to do anything about it. Luger does a quick promo laughing about it and saying maybe it isn't fair, but life isn't fair.

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Boy, could Bret have made that "knock me out when I cough" signal any more obvious? That brunch attack results in an official investigation from Jack Tunney's office, and we're let in on the metal plate and screws in his forearm as a result of the motorcycle accident. Because it's part of his anatomy, there's nothing Tunney's office can do about it! There have been remarks on the old-school booking of 1993 WWF, and this definitely has the feel of a southern wrasslin' angle, a la the Infernos' "orthopedic boot."


Luger with his ridiculously poofy hair cuts a fun little smug promo about how life isn't fair. He looks like he's been on a three-day bender, not very Narcissistic at all.


I don't know of many on PWO who consider Mean Gene to be a vital, integral part of their wrestling programming--I don't. But the quality dropoff of these Update segments from Okerlund to Gorilla is palpable.

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I wonder if Okerlund was taking some time off after Mania due to his liver illness. He hasn't looked like his old self since late '91, and when he moves to WCW later this year, he'll really start to look like death warmed over.


I don't recall a Bret-Luger feud coming out of this, so I'm not sure why they did it. They needed to find an excuse to have Curt speak, since he was Luger's opponent, and have the knockout lead into their match.


Gino sounds way too judgmental here. Being judgmental's fine in the booth up to a point, but this is the closest thing the WWF has to a straight news segment. Okerlund's been known to get on his high horse at times too, but he projects outrage, while Gino just sounds like he's whining here.


Luger's finally getting what it means to be a smarmy no-good so-and-so. He's never been this out-and-out heelish before, even when he was WCW World champion. If this keeps up, people might actually start mistaking him for a good performer. (I didn't notice anything wrong with his hair, which is an indication of just how good this promo was.)

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  • GSR changed the title to [1993-04-24-WWF-Superstars] Update: Lex Luger and his steel forearm!

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