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  • 2 months later...

Interestingly, the cover of the WWF Magazine shown has a Hogan vs Bret teaser.


Gorilla Monsoon recaps the week for the tag titles, where The Steiners won the tag titles, lost them to Money Inc. two days later, and won the belts back three days later.


Gorilla makes the point that a title change could take place in YOUR hometown, so make sure you catch these teams live.


That is not typical WWF booking at all, and I remember Dave using it as evidence of the company booking for their hardcore fans instead of a wider audience.

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  • 2 years later...
  • 1 month later...

Monsoon is on the phone browbeating "Kevin"--Dunn?--over which title changes took place where, before bringing us up to speed: the Monday after King of the Ring, the Steiners took the tag title belts from Money Inc. in Columbus, and a young PeteF3 was there to witness it. Money Inc. regained the belts two nights later in Rockford, but turned around and dropped them back in St. Louis.


I have never understood why the Columbus title change hasn't seen the light of day--it was the opening match at a Challenge taping and there are still shots that look like camera footage. But it hasn't gotten release on Coliseum Video, WWE 24/7, or anywhere else. In an extremely interesting development, the Rockford match looks like IT was taped as well--that or just a slick editing job of previous footage.


Gorilla hypes return matches against Money Inc., and tells us that the next title change could happen in YOUR hometown! He isn't wrong--seeing the first shock title change was the coolest thing in the world. I dunno if it's even possible to measure if this moved the needle at all but it was an extremely effective booking tactic.

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  • 1 year later...

Monsoon really looks out of place here in 1993 with that maroon blazer. Anyway, we get a recap of a wild week on the house show circuit as the tag titles keep changing hands and this is a reason to check out WWF action if it is near year. With DiBiase breaking down, this was effective.

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  • 1 year later...

They probably could have stood to do this more often over the years, particularly with the tag title. There's always a danger of overdoing it- and they came close here, with three switches in a week- but if it keeps more fans like Pete coming back, it's worth it as long as you don't do it with every champion. I wouldn't want someone like Hogan or Yoko dropping the World title at any old random house show, for example.


By the way, the Rockford change to Money Inc. necessitated the St. Louis change back to the Steiners, as Rick and Scotty had to be champions on TV at least until the next set of tapings three weeks later (unless, of course, they wanted to switch the belts at a live ​Raw, ​but they'd just had the Shawn/Marty switch and probably didn't want to do another so soon).


Gino doing these segments seems a bit off, especially since Okerlund's still doing the opening voiceover. It's tough to guess exactly what was happening; Gene said in his shoot that Vince fired him on a regular basis, but always hired him back. Besides, we'd just seen him at the King of the Ring doing interviews. (He wouldn't leave for the last time until early September).


I'm guessing that the guy Gino was talking to was ostensibly Kevin Dunn, which is proof positive that even supposedly indispensable employees are subject to Vince's own unique brand of teasing.

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  • GSR changed the title to [1993-06-26-WWF-Superstars] Update: WWF Tag Team titles

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