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[1993-07-03-WCW-Saturday Night] Lost in Cleveland


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  • 2 months later...
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  • 8 months later...

Yeah this has to be the best one by miles. It's the only one that actually made me laugh...and it did twice! First, the aforementioned Jack:"Aren't you a singer? Sing us a song" Dustin: "well I don't have a band but...." and then at the end after the big tussle, where Jack escapes again all Dustin says is "I lost my hat!"

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  • 7 months later...

You can see in this one that Dustin has the ability to turn any stupid shit into something. Really one of the best at escaping the whirlwind of suck of bad writing, as he would show later during the Goldbooker era. So yeah, this is actually pretty funny thanks to Dustin kinda getting caught up into being called a good country singer. Foley and Dustin could have done so much more together in WWF when they got paired up for a while.

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  • 9 months later...
  • 4 months later...
  • 3 weeks later...

What a perfect follow-up to my point about SMW and WCW vignettes. A doctor has advised Catherine White to bring somebody from Jack's past to jog his memory. Cleveland is too dangerous for Colette, so next on the list is a gravely concerned Dustin Rhodes. Cactus invites Dustin to regale his mates with one of his country tunes, before Bang Bang tells everyone to leave. Dustin does the pistol thing and Cactus responds in kind, before Bang Bang gets everything shut down.




Yes, I will agree, there are glimpses of Dustin the Actor here.

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  • 1 year later...

Talk about a fish out of water, we have Dustin on the streets of Cleveland. This is starting to be drawn out way too long and even though the early stuff wasn't AS Bad as the hype had led you to believe IMO, the back half of this angle is awful with Vader not acknowledging anything and Jack looking like a goof.

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  • 4 months later...
  • 10 months later...

I hope whoever Miss Bang Bang was ended up with a full-time job; she's the best actor in all of this, including Mick.


I still say Mick as a sailor had some potential if they'd chosen to go that way. The character's not even supposed to be "real", and yet he's getting over with me at least somewhat at least solely because of Mick's brilliance. I just said that Miss Bang Bang was better, though, and that's because there's no "What the......." factor for the audience to overcome; we haven't seen her before that we know of, so it's easier to believe right away that she is who she says she is, while Mick's appearance alone would cause most people to do a double take.


Dustin was decent here, but he didn't fulfill his purpose, and why use him anyway? Was Barby out of the company by now, and if he was, couldn't they have brought him back for a one-shot? Who's more likely to jog an amnesiac wrestler's memory: a guy in a cowboy hat and flowered shirt or a monster in tights, boots, and a painted face?


Depicting the homeless as a bunch of thieves and beligerent antisocial jerks doesn't help this whole deal. If they were smart, the next installment would take place in a mental hospital, with Mick admitted as a patient. I've had enough of "the streets of Cleveland".


I wouldn't give Catherine White ten seconds in a fight with Miss Bang Bang, even if she really is Kathy Gagne-Zbyszko. Speaking of which, does Miss Bang Bang remind anyone else of Miss Texas? I'm fairly sure that that's not who she is, but the resemblance has to be more than just coincidental.

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  • GSR changed the title to [1993-07-03-WCW-Saturday Night] Lost in Cleveland

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