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[1992-10-17-WCW-Saturday Night] Up Close w/Paul E. Dangerously


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  • 2 months later...

This was awesome, but it also shows how little Watts thought of Paul E. and how far he had fallen out of big programs at this point. He hasn't been on TV for a while and they say it's because he's been scouting the world looking for new talent. He throws some insults toward Madusa and Tony drops a bombshell that Rude wants to meet with him to discuss the open contract Paul E. signed on his behalf for Havoc. He freaks out and leaves. It's a topic I've never heard too much talk about and I would be interested in hearing more -- what was the deal with Watts and Heyman, and why was he not pushed more during the time Watts was running WCW? I'm guessing Paul E.'s relatively large contract had something to do with it, and I know about them catching him falsifying expense reports, but I'm guessing there's more than that.

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  • 1 month later...
  • 9 months later...

Great segment, but it's sad to see Heyman pushed aside like this. It's like Paule E. is venting is own frustration with Watts during this segment, with pretty terrific results. Nice way also to put Rude over as a top guy, as Heyman says he doesn't need Madusa or him to win his matches anyway.

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I believe Paul E. has also claimed Watts to be an anti-Semite, but it's also possible that Watts was being a dick to get Heyman to quit and get rid of that contract.

Watts has been called many things. That being said, he did put a brutal halt to Scotty Flamingo's push too.

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  • 1 year later...

Welcome back, Paul E. Tease of a Rude/Paul E. break-up, as Dangerously has signed Rude for two title matches at Havoc, with Madusa banned from the U.S. title match. Then he takes shots at Madusa, then gets worked up when he's told that Rude wants to have a meeting with him. Paul E. is incensed that Schiavone dare ask him questions that he didn't run by him beforehand.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Paul talks about his absence lately but he's still the Dangerous Alliance. He signed an open contract for a Rude US Title match at Havoc even though he also has a match against Chono. Seems to be setting up a Rude face turn. Says he's the reason for Rude's success, not Madusa. Schiavonie says Rude has called for a meeting with Paul.


If I recall correctly, Watts had a problem with Paul's guaranteed contract which was paying him more than a lot of wrestlers, and went out of his way to make life miserable for him to try and find a way around that expense.

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  • 2 years later...
  • 3 months later...

Everyone else has covered the stuff I wanted to bring up.


I think Medusa's a better fit for Rude too, but Paul still had a function for guys like Austin and Eaton, who were either young rising stars or needed some help on the mic. He didn't need to be marginalized like this. If Watts had a problem with some of his actions, he should have just fired him straight up instead of trying to het him to quit. Too bad about the money, but bring from Oklahoma Watts no doubt knows that when someone leaves you a great big bag of buffalo chips that you didn't ask for, the only thing you can do to get rid of them is chow down.


On a more serious note, they're rewarming the Nikita issue for Rude's second match? I thought that was over and done with months ago. At any rate, talk about facing two completely different styles (Nikita and Chono) in the same night!


One thing I haven't seen talked about here, come to think of it: Paul referencing a trip to New York to scout talent. Could he have been thinking about jumping to Vince once WCW let him go? He would have been perfect in what turned out to be Corny's role as Yoko's American spokesman.

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  • GSR changed the title to [1992-10-17-WCW-Saturday Night] Up Close w/Paul E. Dangerously
  • 2 years later...

So one of Watts' big moves when he comes on is to kill the heel group that is as hot as the Horsemen ever was (DA) because he didn't like Heyman's contract?  Given the lack of credible heels he is facing it might have been wiser just to eat that and continue to push the DA.

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