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Top 10 Managers Ever in your view


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J.J. Dillon


Was positioned as a main eventer in Amarillo and the Maritimes, but wouldn't have been a top five guy in the history of either territory. I always liked him as the Horseman manager but I doubt that he's a top ten manager of all time. Backstage stuff may have been more significant than I know but he'd have to have had a massive presence to be an HoFer based on that.

I don't think he'd get in, but Robert Fuller may be the better pick over Ron Fuller. They both did well in Georgia, Southeastern and Memphis. Robert had more longetivity but Ron took care of more of the behind the scenes stuff and was a better manager(one of the most underrated managers ever).

Interested to see what people say if Dillon doesn't make top 10, who is getting in there? Would anyone rate Fuller over Dillon?


A lot of questions for this one, I'd say number one is undisputed (Heenan) and probably number 2 as well (Cornette), but the conversation after that is interesting.:


There are people who like Jimmy Hart and people who don't, same with Gary Hart. What about the old WWWF's "Triumvirate of Terror" (Blassie, Albano, Grand Wizard)? How do they rate? If there are really 10 better managers than Dillon, who were they? Do you rate Vince and Shane as "managers", or Bischoff? Was Meltzer right to rag on Mr. Fuji for all those years? What about Slick? Do we count women and if so is Sherri top 10, or Liz for that matter? What about manager runs people seldom talk about? Race in WCW, DiBiase post-93, Perfect as Flair's "Executive Consultant" in 92, Teddy Long as manager of Doom, Bruce Pritchard as Brother Love, Lanny Poffo as The Genius, Harvey Wippleman, Paul E. Dangerously in WCW, Paul Ellering in general -- do any of these have a case to be considered "top 10"?

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J.J. Dillon


Was positioned as a main eventer in Amarillo and the Maritimes, but wouldn't have been a top five guy in the history of either territory. I always liked him as the Horseman manager but I doubt that he's a top ten manager of all time. Backstage stuff may have been more significant than I know but he'd have to have had a massive presence to be an HoFer based on that.

I don't think he'd get in, but Robert Fuller may be the better pick over Ron Fuller. They both did well in Georgia, Southeastern and Memphis. Robert had more longetivity but Ron took care of more of the behind the scenes stuff and was a better manager(one of the most underrated managers ever).

Interested to see what people say if Dillon doesn't make top 10, who is getting in there? Would anyone rate Fuller over Dillon?


A lot of questions for this one, I'd say number one is undisputed (Heenan) and probably number 2 as well (Cornette), but the conversation after that is interesting.:


There are people who like Jimmy Hart and people who don't, same with Gary Hart. What about the old WWWF's "Triumvirate of Terror" (Blassie, Albano, Grand Wizard)? How do they rate? If there are really 10 better managers than Dillon, who were they? Do you rate Vince and Shane as "managers", or Bischoff? Was Meltzer right to rag on Mr. Fuji for all those years? What about Slick? Do we count women and if so is Sherri top 10, or Liz for that matter? What about manager runs people seldom talk about? Race in WCW, DiBiase post-93, Perfect as Flair's "Executive Consultant" in 92, Teddy Long as manager of Doom, Bruce Pritchard as Brother Love, Lanny Poffo as The Genius, Harvey Wippleman, Paul E. Dangerously in WCW, Paul Ellering in general -- do any of these have a case to be considered "top 10"?


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If you've seen Memphis there is really no reason to not include Hart in the top ten other than general bias/hatred for the man. Realistically I struggle to see any argument for him outside of the top five, and he is certainly no worse than a number one contender.


Sherri fits my definition of a manager and would be an easy top ten pick.


I'd be interested to see if Khawk thinks that Adnan should be considered a manager.

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In no order :


Jim Cornette (obvously)

Paul E. Dangerously (obviously)

Bobby Heenan (obviously)

Sherry Martel (how many matches did she improve dramatically ?)

Woman (great presence in ECW with the Sandman, one of my favourite duo ever)

Jimmy Hart (Memphis baby, no matter how lame his Hulkamania days were)

Gary Hart (really underrated)

JJ Dillon (4 Horsemen)

Francine (yeah, she was that great in ECW at one point. You would just want to bitchslap her. Biggest cunt ever.)

Liz (probably more for aesthetical reasons than anything else, as she didn't do that much outside of being part of an incredible and historical outfit, then looking ridiculously hot in WCW).

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If you've seen Memphis there is really no reason to not include Hart in the top ten other than general bias/hatred for the man. Realistically I struggle to see any argument for him outside of the top five, and he is certainly no worse than a number one contender.

This. No one did more with less than Jimmy Hart in Memphis.

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There can't be enough said about Ron Wright's promos in SMW. He'd come out talking about how his medication went up in price and how winter was going to be extra cold that year and the fans would absolutely hate him for it. He got the fans to hate a man in a wheelchair and it's just an experience to sit through his work.

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Hmmm ...


Jim Cornette

Jimmy Hart

Bobby Heenan

Gary Hart

Sherri Martel

Skandor Akbar

Paul E. Dangerously

Lou Albano

Ron Wright

JJ Dillon


Heenan I'm basing solely on WWF stuff, and could go a little higher as I see more AWA. Hart and Cornette was a close call. I honestly struggled to think of ten good managers, but I think everyone on this list did their job very well. Sherri offset being a pretty bad promo by adding so much heat and excitement to matches.

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I've always wondered, I know Steve Lombardi was Kim Chee in the WWF, but who was under the mask elsewhere when the character was called Friday?


Also, rewatching the 1988 NWA Saturday Night shows on demand is a good way to remind yourself how awesome Cornette was. Not only does he do his usual rant against the jobbers of the week (all without stopping to breathe), when the announcers offhandedly mention that Tully and Arn will probably be #1 seed for the upcoming Crockett Cup tournament due to being world champs it causes him to go off on another rant mentioning the MX were champs for the first one in 1986 and were not named #1 seed. It put over his team and he had an absolute legit reason for feeling his team got boned before by the seedings and reason to feel they should be ranked ahead of the champs.

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What good stuff involving Gary Hart should I track down? I only remember him from WCW circa 1989, and wasn't impressed. He seemed like an awfully selfish sumbitch, sometimes not even bothering to sell when the wrestlers would hit him. Yeah he was a former wrestler himself; but I'm sorry, if you're a manager and World Champion Ric Flair punches you in the face, "storming off with a petulant expression while not even trying to look like you're in pain" shouldn't be your go-to reaction.


What's the consensus on James Mitchell these days? He's one of the few modern managers who stuck around long enough in different companies to make an impression, just wondering how y'all think he stacks up to the fabled managers of yore.

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I'll put more time into this later but my list would have these guys in it:




Richard Lee - He was so much fun as the Moondogs manager and no one ever talks about him. He sang, he wrestled and he always wore cool neon stuff with a suit. The most underrated manager ever.

Ron Fuller - I've seen some discs of him managing the Stud Stable in Southeastern and he was great. He was such a jerk and played Colonel Rob Parker 10 years before his brother did. He also wore the biggest hat I have ever seen.

Grand Wizard - Him and Superstar are the greatest combination ever. The definition of cool.

Eddie Creatchman - I really like some of the stuff I've seen with him. He comes across as the biggest piece of sludge you have ever seen. He had a real heel voice too.

Jim Cornette

Paul E - So underrated as a manager. He should have been the manager of the 1990's.

Lord Alfred Hayes - His feud with Heenan in the AWA was great stuff. He was really good in his role and I wish he would have done it in the WWF.

Captain Lou


I'd love to put Sherri in it too. Oh and a tip of the hat for Lord Littlebrook when he managed the Royal Kangaroos in WCW. Him dressed up in a suit managing those two was hilarious. I do like Scott Bowden too.

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My main problems with his promos is that he was always trying to be too clever. He'd try to string together some big words and would really lose the point by trying to sound so smart. I think he was better about that when he managed Abyss. During a match, he was useless. He'd stalk around the ring and try to look scary but he never really did anything. When he managed Abyss, he wasn't really helping Abyss get heat and he wasn't really adding a ton to the Abyss character. He was just kind of there and you got some good promos out of the guy.


Same with Mortis and Wraith. He never really did anything to help them get over, in fact, they did better without him. The only time he added something was with Mikey Whipwreck and that was because they were just being a couple of oddballs backstage.

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I'm only really familiar with Albano for his short 90's WWF run which I enjoyed but is hardly enough to go top 10 on. Haven't seen enough of his peak era or enough of Blasse & Wizard to judge them fairly either.


Of who I have watched i'd go Heenan, Jimmy Hart, Cornette, Sherri & Paul E as my top 5 with Heenan as #1 and the rest in no particular order.


For the rest of my top 10 i'd go with non standard choices and for sure have Go Ito for his work with Team No Respect in FMW and Police for his work as Mayumi Oazaki's second in GAEA/OZ Academy in thear. Great sleazy, weasly, cheating heels.


The other 3 spots i'm not so sure about.


Not seen quite as much as i'd like of JJ Dillon at his peak but i've seen enough to know he belongs.


Little surprised no one's mentioned Sunny & Paul Bearer.


Jim Mitchell & Rob Parker i'd atleast consider for spots too.


Thinking a little more, can we consider Vince McMahn a manager? I know he wasn't in the traditional sense of the word but he did essentially the same things all other great mangers did and was awesome leading various dudes vs Austin & co over the years

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