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[1991-04-12-USWA Texas] Eric Embry vs Bill Dundee


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  • 2 months later...

Solid match, but nothing too special, or that I'll remember. Jarrett is handcuffed to Tojo Yammamoto at ringside. I should mention again how much I hate talking on the house mic during wrestling matches. Hate it, hate it, hate it. After a ref bump, Tojo tries to hand a chain to Embry, but Jarrett intercepts and throws it to Dundee, who nails Embry, pins him and takes the Texas title.

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Kinda disappointing match given who was in it and the time it got. I thought it was a solid bout. I liked Embry working over different body parts. It gave him a sense of desperation. I enjoyed the Jarrett/Tojo interaction on the outside. Embry is one skeezie mother.

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  • 2 weeks later...

So somehow the Texas title got held up after last week's cage match--controversy or just Lawler vacating it after proving his point? Embry is pretty solid in control but this goes awfully long. The mic spots aren't bothering me but the constant ref bumps and chains are. Tony Falk takes one of the worst ref bumps ever here, which doesn't help. World Class and USWA-Texas have always been clever with screwjobs but it's starting to get lazy at this point. Would be a good to very good match if five minutes or so were pruned away.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...
  • 1 year later...

Put this match in Memphis and involve Jamie somehow or other and the heat would be off the charts even if not one move in the match was changed. As it is, this was as lethargic as you could get for a supposedly big match on a national TV taping. I didn't understand the backstory as to why the title was held up, mostly because despite the so-called integration of the Memphis and Dallas offices, Embry's always been billed as the Texas champion in Memphis, probably to help put over the Texas/Tennessee feud.


Jeff and Tojo being handcuffed to each other was a clever way to set up a screwy finish, but is it against USWA booking policy to use any other weapons outside of a chain? What I wouldn't give for a finishing chairshot or an ether-soaked rag right about now.


It almost seemed at times as if Embry and Dundee were taking it slow to account for action on the floor that never materialized. The work really felt off to me for some reason, especially considering the issue these two guys supposedly had with each other.


I don't mind guys talking during the match as long as it's relevant to the bout at hand. Sometimes things are put over better verbally than physically even while a contest is actually in progress. For instance, it was much better for Embry to get on the stick and tell the world that he'd kill Jeff if he touched Tojo than it would have been to yell it in a confrontation on the floor, where only the first two rows would have heard it. That part of the storyline had to be advanced in order for the finish to have a point, and a few words were a lot easier than a shoving match would have been under the circumstances.


I did have a problem with Jeff hooking Embry's tights so Dundee could hit him. Yes, it was a nice piece of payback, but Jeff should have at least waited until Tojo made an aggressive move of some sort before he retaliated that way.


This wasn't actively horrible, but If Dundee's going to have a problem with Embry, I'd rather see him alongside Lawler, Jarrett, and Gilbert in Memphis against the Texas Boys than fighting with Embry in Dallas over a belt that won't mean a thing by the end of June.

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  • 2 years later...
  • GSR changed the title to [1991-04-12-USWA Texas] Eric Embry vs Bill Dundee

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