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[1991-10-26-USWA-Memphis TV] Arena Clips / Interview: Eric Embry / Interview: Tom Prichard


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  • 3 months later...

Clip of Jarrett/Fuller/Marlin vs Embry/Pritchard/Someone. Pritchard accidentally hits Embry with the chain, and Jarrett secures the pin, just as promised. There is dissension among the heels after the match, and Embry and Pritchard end up fighting it out. They don't really turn either guy at this point, as it's played more as two heels having beef with each other. Good stuff. I love how heartbroken Billy Joe Travis seems by all of this.


We get interviews from both to close the segment out. Embry blames his loss on Pritchard. I love his logic -- It wasn't an accident. When you're from Texas, you don't make mistakes. Pritchard responds in the studio, and addresses the Roddy Piper clone allegations. As good as Embry's promo is, Pritchard's is even better. Probably the best I've seen from him.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I really didn't care much for the post-match scrum. It was just a repeat of the long, drawn-out confrontation from a few weeks ago, but even though this time there was a payoff with Embry cheap-shotting Prichard as he's being held back, it seems like a tepid brawl lacking in heat.


Embry goes on a psychotic rant in the locker room about how Prichard has been riding his coattails and falling for these fat, egg-suckin' dog Tennessee women who weigh about 500 pounds. It's another standout Embry promo, but Prichard tops him by calmly rebutting his points about being a coattail-rider. Prichard very logically points out how it was Embry hiding behind him, both in the ring and when they were out partying. He addresses the Roddy Piper comparisons, his "attitude problems" preventing him from getting signed by the WWF or NWA (how legit that is, I don't know, but he makes it sound as though it is) and brings up how he wasn't letting party time get in the way of business, whereas Embry was staying in his hotel room all day instead of hitting the gym. Great, great stuff from Prichard that redeems the underwhelming angle. It's all wrasslin' stuff in the end but there's a lot of legitimate truth in there, which even a cynical fan has to be able to see.

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Pritchard ends up hitting Embry twice by accident. Marlin probably didn’t do much in full match but he was throwing some rights. Embry and Pritchard end up brawling with Billy Joe Travis doing his best trying to be peacekeeper.


Embry calls out Pritchard for liking the big gals. Eric should have known then about Tom. Wow, Pritchard actually acknowledged the Piper comparisons.

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  • 10 months later...

Sometimes Prtichard underwhelms me and I think it is because he has potential like this promo and the "talk to Tom" angle where he can produce some of the best wrestling angles in history. The cheap shot and action looked good and again more heated and interesting than the Lawler/BJT interaction. Embry deserves a mention to for his post match interview. Fun shit.

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  • 1 year later...

If I'd just seen the arena footage, I would have been convinced that Embry was the one they were trying to turn face. I've never seen three miscommunication spots so close together in my life (for whatever reason, no one acknowledged the first one). I actually found myself sympathizing with Embry until I heard his interview, and Papa must have been afraid of that, because Embry's extra sleazy, going so far as to call Tennessee women fat egg-sucking dogs. By contrast, we get a relatively calm, rational promo from Dr. Tom. It's not a face promo by any means, but it's a calm, cool rebuttal to Embry the likes of which we've needed to see for quite a while.


I liked him talking about the Piper soundalike stuff, too. He does sound like Piper, even when he's using his natural voice, and he can't help it. But he reassures the public that what he says is his own invention. Personally, I think there have been times, especially now, that Prichard's actually more articulate than Piper, who's starting to become a real caricature of the man he used to be, particularly on the stick. I'd be a lot more concerned about him doing a Piper impersonation if he tried to wrestle like Piper, but he doesn't, at least no more than any heel wrestles like another.


Based on Dr. Tom's comments, it seems like like they're trying to do a "clean" Prichard vs. "dirty" Embry comparison when it comes to lifestyle, and I hope they stay away from that. The "milk drinker", if you will, almost always seems like a wimp or a square compared to the "whiskey drinker", who comes off as more manly by comparison. Let's just leave this as two heels who want to beat the living crap out of each other and have done with it. No face in Memphis should want to get within ten miles of either of these guys for a good long while, if ever.


Does anybody know who Doug Masters is? I have a feeling that Memphis fans are supposed to be familiar with him, being that he brawled with Marlin on the outside while Embry and Prichard had their squabble in the ring, but I've honestly never heard the name before now.

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  • 2 years later...

Embry's promo was really good and I like when he gets intense towards the end. Pritchard blows him out of the water though and I love him addressing the Piper stuff because he really has been trying to make himself not sound like that since coming to Memphis. Pritchard's promo is surprising in that it really has this "shoot" sensibility to it though i doubt it was 100% accurate. I wouldn't say Pritchard was in any way trying to sound like a milk drinker. He makes sure to say that he likes going ou, getting hammered and finding a lady. But the next day he's back to business, unlike Embry.

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  • GSR changed the title to [1991-10-26-USWA-Memphis TV] Arena Clips / Interview: Eric Embry / Interview: Tom Prichard

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