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[1997-11-10-WWF-Raw] Hunter Hearst Helmsley vs Ken Shamrock


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  • 2 months later...

Last few minutes. Crowd is loudly chanting for Bret during all of this and doesn't care at all about this match. Ross and Lawler make a point about Bret heading to WCW and making a ton of money and how much jealousy that is going to create there. That makes me wonder if Vince thought WCW overpaying Bret could result in guys wanting to get out of WCW and jumping to the WWF. Slaughter restrains Chyna and Rude from interfering, but Shawn still finds his way in and hits Shamrock with the briefcase. I didn't realize the show went off the air before the angle with Shawn tapping, but that's funny considering how upset Shawn got earlier in the year when something similar happened to him.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 8 months later...

Wow, dreadful main event here with no heat and no buzz. Really most tonight felt off in the WWF for the first time and I'm not saying that in lieu of Bret leaving. Austin vs. Rock was fine as 2nd from the top but everything else was lackluster including this match and the sudden sign off.

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  • 1 month later...
  • 1 year later...

No kidding--DX continues their ability to make every authority figure and babyface in the company look like complete idiots. Chyna, Rude, and Shawn are supposedly banned from ringside per Slaughter's promo to start, and of course that doesn't happen. Then we conveniently go off the air with Helmsley about to get a tainted win over Shamrock, which is a great way to build a less-than-ideal challenger for a PPV main event.

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  • 1 year later...

Average match. HHH still isn't much in the ring at this point. 1997 Shamrock needs people who can help him & HHH isn't one of those people. Sarge is able to prevent Rude & Chyna interfering, but Shawn shows up & whacks Shamrock with Rude's briefcase. There's a near fall & the show just ends. I don't know why the Network doesn't keep the footage rolling until the end here. Weird. Apparently Shawn taps again. The WWF needs something huge to get them out of this funk after Bret's departure. The slide is immediate. Austin-Tyson can't come soon enough.

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  • GSR changed the title to [1997-11-10-WWF-Raw] Hunter Hearst Helmsley vs Ken Shamrock

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