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[2013-02-10-NJPW-The New Beginning] Hiroshi Tanahashi vs Karl Anderson


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  • 2 weeks later...

Tanahashi does the world title match layout really well. Tanahashi executes the world title match layout in a way that’s on the bland side. I’m a little bothered that the guy pushed as The Man doesn’t really carry himself like The Man. He just performs well enough within match layouts designed for The Man, but the matches feel underwhelming even when they are good. I think it’s because the performance isn’t really dynamic or special enough to match what they’re going for, if that makes any sense at all.

I can give pretty high praise to a formula wrestler whose biggest strength is that he knows how to pace and layout a match in a way that gets the crowd involved, as I think those are great qualities for any wrestler to have. But I wish he had at least one other thing going for him in these matches so far. So once again, this was a very good match where he did a really good job of getting over his challenger and working a match that kept a consistent narrative around attacking Anderson’s knee. I can even get past Anderson not really selling the attack that much, if only because Tanahashi’s offense is so unconvincing. Those were some terrific near falls too. But I mean that more in an objective way than I do “Wow, this is something that really connected with me.”

I’m struggling with putting my hang-up with Tanahashi in words, because I’m not sure I’ve ever thought this way about a wrestler before.

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It is Karl Anderson.


I thought this match sucked, but I wouldn't lay that at the feet of Tanahashi as Anderson is one of my least favorite guys in wrestling. The only good match I remember seeing him in last year was against Tenzan of all people.


If you want to see a Tanahashi match where he is good playing the ace watch the second of his matches with Ishii from last year. It's the only great Tanahashi performance I've ever seen, and the only time I felt that he played that role.

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  • 1 month later...

I guess there will always be an Anderson family member. Not familiar with Karl but he must have tried doing this Ace Crusher/Diamond Cutter move about twenty times in the match and never connected. Was getting comical for me to see him never succeed up to the very end of the match.

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  • GSR changed the title to [2013-02-10-NJPW-The New Beginning] Hiroshi Tanahashi vs Karl Anderson
  • 3 months later...

This felt like a pretty solid performance from Anderson (particularly as compared to what he's been slotted into the last couple of years) and a fairly average Tanahashi performance. Enjoyed myself and bit on some of the near falls, but wasn't really engaged all the way through.

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  • 1 year later...

Wow, this got quite a bit of play back in the day on the board. 

IWGP Heavyweight Champion Hiroshi Tanahashi vs Karl Anderson - NJPW 2/10/13

The hallmarks of Hiroshi Tanahashi are pacing and timing. The first 2/3rds are classic Tanahashi taking a generic Create-A-Wrestler and making him feel like a worthy challenger to the IWGP Champion all through a classic title match layout. They go for a bridge too far when Anderson starts to pour it on with the bombs at the end. I dont know if they felt they needed to do that legitimize Karl Anderson and by extension the nascent Bullet Club but it was done to the detriment of the match.

Tanahashi kinda always wrestles as subtle dick heel and I enjoy it. He threw a closed fist body punch in the corner at the beginning. Then the way he dragged Anderson from the ropes on The Indian Deathlock and then slammed his knee down seemed like a dick move. Also he moved an Anderson kick pointed to his head and then ended up eating a leg lariat because he was too cocky. Little touches like that give personality to his match. Anderson was using some sort of Ace Crusher/Stunner as his finish. He hit one on the top rope on Tanahashi which was his transition. They established Tanahashi's patented leg work but they didnt go too far down that rabbit hole and switched over to Anderson with a great transition. He followed that up with another Ace Crusher on the railing and he started working the neck. I liked the timing of the hope spots and then immediate cutoffs like the Spinebuster and the Senton. Tanahashi went back to the leg and got his middle Rope Somersault Senton and then his High Fly Flow to the floor. This was a great climax to his segment. Then when Tanahashi looked like he was in the driver's seat they end up on the apron and Anderson hits his own only good move that Hiya Kick. Thats the only move that is uniquely Anderson. Other than that he is just a Create-A-Wrestler where his designer gave him the moves of well-known wrestlers from the 90s and he hits them without any unique Anderson twist to it. He floored Tanahashi with it. After some good struggle, Anderson hits a Super TKO which looked great! It was a hot nearfall. He got one more nearfall. I was like this is perfect. He got his lucky shot in on the apron always a risky area and then capitalized with two big bombs. I was like Tanahashi takes us home. There was an excellent spot and I am so pissed this did not lead to the finish. Tanahashi actually resisted the Stunner. It was such a MAN move. He turned into a Sling Blade. That was so badass. He the earned his advantage going back to the leg and another Sling Blade but High Fly Flow ate knees. Anderson's Claymore Kick was another good nearfall but why he is hitting powerbombs and Island Drivers. Ugh! I did like Anderson trying the Stunner only for Tanahashi to turn into a Dragon Suplex. It was not as manly as that Sling Blade, but still good. Tanahashi won with the 2 High Fly Flows to polish off the most generic wrestler that ever lived. 

In my opinion, when you are wrestling these routine title defense there are two ways to do it: go wild and do something drastically different maybe it is a brawl or just go full shoot-style or be super efficient. Tanahashi's biggest weakness is his lack of versatility. So he cannot do the former. However, there is no one in today's wrestling or maybe ever thats as efficient as Tanahashi. For the 2/3rds we saw that on display. The layout and transitions were immaculate. The Super TKO was a perfect nearfall for Anderson. Tanahashi resisting the Ultimate Finish and MUSCLING a Sling Blade out of it popped me. It should have been a little struggle and then High Fly Flow win and I would declare victory. What happened was so weird they departed from the Tanahashi formula and kept giving Anderson nearfalls and I felt they were wasting my time. I dont know if Anderson got in his ear or if he was being selfless or the Office wanted to put over the Bullet Club, but it didnt work for me. Still it is Tanahashi so it just feels safe and warm for the most part. ***1/2


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