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[1999-11-29-WWF-Raw] Stephanie McMahon and Test Wedding


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  • 3 weeks later...

Here we go - the segment that made HHH for good as a top guy. This is one of the most iconic angles of the era, which makes it baffling that it's not on the Network. Test is all sweaty since they had him work a match earlier in the evening for some reason. HHH interrupts despite being warned by Vince that he would be fired if he did. HHH said he really felt everyone in the ring should watch the video though. We see HHH in a convertible talking to someone unidentified while pulling up to a drive-thru wedding. The camera pans to an unconscious Stephanie McMahon in the passenger seat and he gets through vows by blocking the view of Stephanie and speaking with a high pitch. It looks like the stripper was an HHH lackey who helped roofie Stephanie. The moment when HHH says to the camera, "Get a nice shot of the brand new Mr. and Mrs. Hunter Hearst Helmsley" is the exact moment he became the guy. Back in the building, HHH calls Vince "dad" and suggests that he and Stephanie have already consummated the marriage. Yes, there are obvious logical plotholes here, but forget that - this WORKED! I know people who watched then who still talk about it. An all-time classic angle.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 9 months later...

This is probably one of the best wedding angles in history. Right up there with Lita/Kane and Bruce Bruce doing Teddy Long's wedding. Felt like the end of the attitude era and the start of the Mcmahon-Helmsley era. I forgot that Jeff Hardy, Christian, Edge and D-Lo brown of all people were the groomsmen of the wedding. HHH was damn near perfect in this. Especially when he called Vince "dad". Great stuff.

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  • 1 month later...

Say what you like about this company, they sure know how to deliver memorable weddings. A hilariously cheesy ceremony begins with some wrestlers accompanying Stephanie's friends to the alter. Pat Patterson is the only one who could handle Mae Young. Test walking down the aisle to his entrance music killed me. After a few words they move onto a beautiful and heartfelt performance of "'Togetheeeerrrrrrr'. I love it whenever they wheel out the classics. All the McMahons were doing their most OTT acting. The groom was sweating profusely and desperately struggling to keep a straight face. Then "Speak now, or forever hold their peace...'


Best $40 that The Game ever spent. Making the billion dollar princess' wedding as cheap as possible. The barman had done a heel turn and drugged poor Stephanie. Quite surprising that the registry officer fell for HHH's dire ventriloquist act, but it was dark. He was great throughout this. It was the angle that that made him a bona-fide top star. This may be the WWF highlight of the year.

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  • 2 years later...

In the running for one of the most important angles in WWF. It launched not just the Triple H-Stephanie angle but their eventual real-life marriage.


I love wrestling weddings. Test is such a horrible name for pro wrestler. I mean who the hell was supposed to buy someone named Test as a main eventer. He comes out to his entrance music. LOL! I want entrance music at my wedding now. He is introduced as Test too. Vince & Steph were great. What I was surprised by was how respectful this Attitude Era crowd was. They did not boo "Together", which went on forever. :P


They chant Asshole at HHH on cue. Attitude Era crowds were not all that bad. HHH's drugs and married Stephanie in a cheap ass drive thru chapel. Stephanie screaming "I hate you." is so good. Amazing angle.

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  • 2 months later...

Test coming out to his entrance music in the middle of the authentic-looking ceremony and organ music is still funny. Stephanie's smile was creepy even back in '99. Interesting idea not to have the interruption come right at the "speak now or forever hold your peace" line, even though the crowd is clearly expecting it. Vince had earlier decreed that interruption by any non-family member would result in a firing, but HHH reveals how he nicely gets around that rule. HHH amusingly takes Stephanie to the very same chapel where Col. Robert Parker attempted to marry Sister Sherri. The rest has all been recapped, but yes, this is a "Where were you when...?" moment. HHH plays the cocky-asshole-who's-also-a-little-nervous-to-get-this-over-with role perfectly. The drink server is revealed as the cameraman and the guy who worked to get Stephanie in this position. Such a good payoff that the crowd pops in spite of themselves.

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  • GSR changed the title to [1999-11-29-WWF-Raw] Stephanie McMahon and Test Wedding

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