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Both Hojo vs Satomura matches are on this page. The videos are private though so you might need a Dailymotion account for them to play.


As for Io vs. Koguma, and Stardom shows in general, this channel on youku is the only place I can find them online since I avoid torrent sites. The site is garbage though as I only seem to be able to get it to kinda work is on Saturday for whatever reason. So I'd only recommend it if your like me and desperate to see this stuff right away. There's another guy who post private videos on Dailymotion and make them available through his Facebook group but I'm not on Facebook so that isn't an option for me.

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Thread for Sasha Banks vs. Becky Lynch from Main Event .


Since Bruce Tharpe posts here, I just wanted to pass along congratulations to NWA Women's Champion Santana Garrett for winning the Wonder of Stardom Title. I just started watching her in the last couple of weeks and have been really impressed. Santana can do a little bit of everything and does it all really well, just an incredibly polished wrestler.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Anyone know of any highly rated indy women's matches from this year that weren't in Shimmer/Shine/WSU that I can watch online?

David Falcon's website might help you out.




I read that Kimber Lee vs Sonya Strong from the latest House of Glory was good but I don't know when HOG releases shows.


Maybe some other Stardom USA matches cause I only saw you review one match from the tour.

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Thanks, I was just curious since there's some people here that are into the indy scene and maybe they had seen/heard/read about something that wasn't in the all-women groups.


I watched a few other matches from the Stardom USA tour. The Thunder Rocks vs. Matsumoto/Skater match that was the main from the 2nd show was pretty good, Iwatani vs. Nicole Savoy from the 1st show was solid if short, and it was interesting to see Melina not look too out of place in the two tags that she was in.


The initial point of the thread was if someone had watched the NXT women's matches and were wondering if there was anything of similar quality from joshi or indy women's groups. I could put up a list of some lesser or interesting matches if someone wants though.

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Thanks, I was just curious since there's some people here that are into the indy scene and maybe they had seen/heard/read about something that wasn't in the all-women groups.


I watched a few other matches from the Stardom USA tour. The Thunder Rocks vs. Matsumoto/Skater match that was the main from the 2nd show was pretty good, Iwatani vs. Nicole Savoy from the 1st show was solid if short, and it was interesting to see Melina not look too out of place in the two tags that she was in.


The initial point of the thread was if someone had watched the NXT women's matches and were wondering if there was anything of similar quality from joshi or indy women's groups. I could put up a list of some lesser or interesting matches if someone wants though.

And this list was great for me since Modern Joshi has been another blind spot for me. I haven't gotten through all of the Joshi matches on this list but I've been entertained by most of them and your reviews have helped a lot. Hope you saw Meiko vs Io Shirai World of Stardom Match cause that was really good stuff.

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I watched it last night before bed in fanboy mode so I don't really trust my first opinion on it. I usually watch matches 2 or 3 times just to get a firm opinion on them, so hopefully I'll have a review up soon. Actually there's quite a few matches from the year-end shows that look pretty good on paper. Honestly I'm more hyped to watch Best Friends vs. Jumonji Sisters for the JWP tag titles then I was for Meiko vs. Io.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Threads for the battle of the Shirai Sisters, Ozaki/Hirota vs. Mission K4 tag title switch, and the main event from the 2nd Stardom U.S. show.


Also reshuffled the list a bit after some rewatching. Also added some other matches that, while not list worthy,are still worth watching. Goal is to have this done by the end of this month and start on 2016.

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Great thread!


6-8 years ago, I was huge into women's wrestling (even flying to Chicago for the SHIMMER 19-20 tapings). But I have long since fizzled on it all. The NXT gals have really piqued my interest again, and your guide to current joshi is going to help a lot in catching up on what's happening.

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Thanks! I was pretty similar to you as I was big into joshi in the early '00 but lost interest after AJW and GAEA shut down but it was Paige in NXT that got me interested again. Then I checked out current joshi mainly out of curiosity as to what the scene had become and was pleasantly surprised with what I saw, especially from the younger workers. While it's not thriving like it was even in the early '00, there's still a lot of really talented women having great matches that deserve some attention.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thread for Tsukasa Fujimoto vs. Kurumi for the ICE Infinity Title. Fun fact, this match happened a few weeks before Kurumi's 15th birthday. Plus she was working against someone who is more than twice her age, as Tsukasa was 31 at the time. Only in Ice Ribbon.


Thread for Io Shirai vs. Kairi Hojo for the vacate World of Stardom Title, which ended up leading to quite the turnaround for Stardom in 2015.

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