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[2000-01-08-MAW] CM Punk vs Colt Cabana


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I suspect we might see these two some more as the decade progresses. I wanted to listen to Started from the Bottom by Drake on repeat when watching this match. This is the opening match for a MAW show that was promoted by Mae Young making an appearance. Cabana is announced as Colton Cabana and the announcer just calls him Scotty Colton throughout the match. Cabana is the heel here and one thing that will be interesting to track is that he does look more polished in this match. As the heel, he was leading. He didn't do anything extraordinary but his fist drop punches looked good and he had some interaction with the fan and gave off the douchey vibe that worked with the crowd. Punk also has the charisma that works and of course he never was the most flub free worker but we see where he could reign in some of his repertoire in this match when he tries to go outside of his comfort zone with roll ups. I actually thought this was a fine, inoffensive match that did show nice glimmers of what they would become. It is easily to look for something now, but it was also these type of matches that caught the eyes of guys like Ian Rotten and Prazak and changed the trajectory of both men and the world of wrestling in regards to Punk. **1/4

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  • 5 months later...

This was a solid match. I enjoyed it, especially as a contrast to Ki-Blade, because they didn't dabble in excess at all, and just worked a solid, basic match focused on Colt getting heat from the crowd and not doing anything too complicated. Nothing that will change your life, but worth watching. I could easily see this opening a WCW pay-per-view or happening on one of their weekend syndicated shows.

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  • 3 weeks later...

This felt like an FCW match where it's two young guys trying out new stuff in front of a crowd that doesn't know who they are but they impress at the end. Punk playing the spunky babyface is a sight to be seen. So is his haircut which should be a crime. Cabana was fine as the heel. I had to laugh at the announcers saying this show is main event by mae Young and Jake the milkman millman. I want to see that match.

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Interesting to compare this to Dragon v. Spanky. This is much more restrained, with a better structure. Less innovation, but very solid, and most things land well (with a couple of notable exceptions, like the sunset flip out of the corner). Really quite amazing to see them at this level this early. Punk's split legged moonsault was surprisingly competent, too.

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I could easily see this opening a WCW pay-per-view or happening on one of their weekend syndicated shows.

I don't know about opening a PPV, but Saturday Night or Thunder definitely. From the rookies I have seen so far (AD, Spanky, CM Punk and Cabana) Cabana has by far the best look, I don't know about now but the gear he has here looks very similar to what he used to following 10 years. And thinking about it Cabana and Punk also look more seasoned, as Migs mentioned because they took their time and restrained themselves better.

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This was a pretty good match given the inexperience of these guys. Colt looked better in this as he kept things basic, stayed in control, and did a good job of working the crowd. Punk tried to be a little too ambitious with his moves and some of his offense looked sloppy as a result. I think this was slightly better than the Spanky vs American Dragon matched that I watched earlier. This one seemed to have more of a direction to it.


I notice that Punk is wearing the same jersey that he pulls out for a street fight in ROH 4 years later.



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Both guys had a real good grasp on playing to the crowd and playing decisive roles in this match. Instead of going out and jamming a bunch of spots into a short timeframe they established a strong dynamic between the two of them and it paid off in a really fun match. Cabana looked very polished and promising here but I was also really impressed with Punk's selling. His comeback felt well earned and I think both guys looked better than I expected them to look at this point.

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Cabana looked really smooth. Based on the first eight days of the decade, you could have absolutely sold me on him becoming the best of his indy generation. Punk was sloppier, but the crowd already responded to him. I wonder how many times these guys matched up in the early years of the decade? Had to be one of the most regular match-ups in the world.

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This early look at Punk and Cabana was a solid match. They had a few technique issues, but the good outweighed those. They both engaged the crowd with Cabana heeling and Punk slapping the mat to get support. The structure was good, as it built up to Punk's split legged moonsault and avoided the excess of some of the other indy matches.

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  • 1 month later...

Cabana is introduced as ‘The Classic’ Colton Cabana (later called Scott Colton by the commentator), and he at least looks like a wrestler as opposed to Punk who looks like he’s been dragged in off the street. Punk with a hip toss and a side headlock takedown. A second hip toss and Cabana backs off. Punk’s in and unloads with some dodgy looking rights and some feeble sounding chops before Colt shows him how it’s done. Cabana with a powerslam, he makes the cover and starts doing push ups at the same time. Slingshot leg drop over the ropes from Colt. Sloppy sunset flip from Punk and Cabana fires back with a clothesline. Knee to the mid-section, he then climbs the turnbuckles and starts posing to the crowd. Double underhook suplex and he picks Punk up at two. Colt attempts a backdrop but Punk kicks him in the chest. Irish whip and a rough looking spinebuster. Back elbow, body slam and a split legged moonsault for the win.


Average show opening match where I though Cabana looked much better than Punk. I don’t know how long either had been in the business, but Punk looks like a rookie compared with Cabana who looks to have a good few years’ experience under his belt. Colt works heel and on top with some nice touches along the way (such as doing push ups whilst making the pin) and has good interaction with the crowd, which is for the better as it means all Punk has to do was sell. Punk’s punches were bad and he had sloppy execution on both a sunset flip and a spinebuster. He nails the split legged moonsault mind, and cool to see that being the finish after the excesses of Ki/Blade which I watched earlier in the day. Pretty amazing watching this that for a period of time Punk would go on to become one of the biggest stars in the industry. Also worth pointing out that the commentators mention that the main event of this card is Jake Milliman teaming with Mae Young! WTF!

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Punk as a babyface in his debut match for MAW. He looked rather skinny, where Cabana already had a good build. I liked this match. Good performance by both guys, although I must admit I thought Cabana was the better wrestler. Interesting to know that this babyface would give Vince a hard time years later, and ultimately make his UFC debut.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 8 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...

This was relatively short and simple. Cabana looks way better than Punk here. His crowd work is fantastic. He also has all of the basics down. His pin with his feet on Punk while he was doing push ups was fantastic. Punk looked green and somewhat sloppy.


Also according to the commentator Mae Young had been in the wrestling business for eight decades which means she must have been in her 90s by this time which is obviously bizarrly inaccurate.

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  • GSR changed the title to [2000-01-08-MAW] CM Punk vs Colt Cabana

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