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[2016-08-10-NJPW] Katsuyori Shibata vs Yuji Nagata


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Disappointing in the context of their feud, if you've watched any of their other matches you've seen them do this match better. It is a skill to have great matches with the same opponent over and over again, it's not something Nagata possesses and I'm having my doubts about Shibata currently. It was fine but cliched-the "fight outside until 19 when we both get in the ring at the same time", the no sell suplex sequence, Shibata countering Nagata's middle kick with a quick slap........I've seen them before and I've seen them done better. Highlight of the match was Shibata sneakily low kicking Nagata after daring him to kick him in the puro macho bullshit 2k10 spot™. Some nice shots were thrown but the match was nothing I'll remember by next week. **3/4

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