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[2016-10-10-NJPW-King of Pro Wrestling 2016] Katsuyori Shibata vs Kyle O'Reilly


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Yeah this ruled. Early matwork was super neat, like some sort of weird pastiche of shoot style and lucha title match matwork. I was never sold on O'Reilly due to him being a Davey Richards protege and working more like junior than a proper UWFi cosplay guy but he has improved, and for a workrate match with little backstory this was exceptional. Shibata always brings his stubborness as something that is going to be played up in the match, and the kind of spots like suplex no selling and him daring the other guy to hit him as hard as he can are gonna be there, but this was shooty enough that it didn't matter even in this type of match. It's been a while since I've been so lost in just plain enjoying in wrestling that I didn't really think much of critically breaking down why it works or not for me. Shibata's short irish whip Fight Kick (that's what kenka means. IDK how it turned into a yakuza kick.) Props to O'Reilly for really keeping up with Shibata here too, stuff like his hammerlock knee drop is something I'd expect to see in a Satomura match. "This is what New Japan wrestling is!" said the New Japan shillman announcer. I wish. O'Reilly's mouthguard falling out of his mouth for the ref stop finish was as great of a visual as you get to see in fake fighting. ***3/4

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