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[2000-01-29-MCW-TV] Bill Dundee vs Todd Morton


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Our first look at Todd Martin who may honestly be one of my favorite worker of the 2000’s based on his IWA-MS run. Lance Russell on commentary here is such a contrast with Dave on the other channel. Really spirited match with Dundee getting in a low blow really quickly without no one looking. Morton is just a classic heel with rakes, punches, kicks, etc. Nothing is flashy per say but everything is heelish in a logical way that also looks painful. Russell yelling at the referee is still great. Dundee makes his comeback and covers Morton for a nearfall. Dundee refuses to cover due to beating Morton up more. Shoot to Thrill fires up and here comes Bull Pain. They bring in the Kick Ass Wrestling banner and present that to Dundee. The Gangster BIG comes in to clean house as the segment ends. Fun as fuck. **1/4


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This was a pretty awesome 3-minute match before the run-ins commenced, with Dundee throwing some punches and really stretching Todd Morton (not to be confused with wrestling and MMA writer Todd Martin :) ) with Todd's only recourse being to counter with cheating. It's also really good to hear Lance Russell's voice again, something I didn't expect in the 2000s. The KAW leftover crew led by Bull Pain come in to attack Dundee until the Gangster BIG makes the save. Really great TV segment and the short match we got was terrific.

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  • 1 month later...
  • 2 weeks later...

The KAW guys had been disrupting the show all day and Bill Dundee has had enough. He heads to the ring (in T-shirt, trousers and cowboy boots), takes the mic and says that he wants either Todd Morton or Bull Pain to have the guts to come out and face him. Morton rushes out to answer the challenge and the two have a short spirited fight. Morton certainly doesn’t work snug and his offensive strikes have a tendency to look ‘soft’. Great low blow from Dundee on him at one point. Dundee with a piledriver for two, and he then starts stretching Morton like he’s Stu Hart stretching some rookie in his dungeon. ‘The Superstar’ still throws a mean right and starts unloading on Morton when Bull Pain runs out for the DQ. It’s 3 on 1 as Al K. Holic (former Kick Ass Wrestling referee carrying a KAW banner) comes to join Pain and Morton as they beat on Dundee until Gangsta B. I. G. makes the save and levels all three of them with a 2x4. Dundee and B. I. G. get on the mic post-match and they set up a tag match for the four of them down the line. Fun little TV match.

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  • 7 months later...

An intense Bill Dundee brawl with Lance Russell on commentary. The project may have peaked early. The action is fine but the main thing here is that Lance is still great! This is more of an ECW/Atittude product but he still brings his distinctive style to it that makes you want to get out to the arena. That makes me happy.

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  • 1 month later...

Fired up Dundee promos, great strikes from both guys (including a great headbutt from Dundee!) and Lance Russell, as ever, perfectly admonishing those dastardly heels for ruining a perfectly fine wrestling show. Really interested to see more of Morton as he laid in the stiffness just as well as Dundee and I can only imagine he has some excellent spots in the tag match down the line (if we see it)

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • GSR changed the title to [2000-01-29-MCW-TV] Bill Dundee vs Todd Morton

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