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[2000-02-03-WWF-Smackdown] New Age Outlaws vs Perry Saturn & Eddy Guerrero


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There is a good sense of urgency to this match with the Radicalz down one contest. Road Dogg and Saturn in particular had way more chemistry than I would have imagined with Saturn doing some nice looking armbars. Gunn and Eddy are mostly paired off and Saturn has to make the save after Billy this the fame asser. Eddy hits his frog splash and has the elbow broke. Eddy pretty much freaks out and works to keep his arm in tact understandable so. Match breaks down and the NAO win which was not the way it was booked in the back. **

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The heel NAO doing all their babyface pandering before and during the match can go fuck themselves. I'm glad they're about to fade into irrelevance. Another pretty okay match before the finish where Eddy injured his elbow, throwing the booking up in the air, as the Radicalz were supposed to win, tying the series at 1-1, and turning the Benoit-HHH match into the deciding match which would end in a non-finish.

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  • 3 months later...

Gunn looks about a foot taller than Eddy. He backs Guerrero into the corner and starts to unload on him. Whip to the opposite corner, Eddy ducks a clothesline and fires back himself. DX and The Radicalz are watching on monitors in the dressing room, and when Guerrero charges at Gunn, Billy launches him over and into the turnbuckles. Press slam on Saturn, but with the referee’s back turned, he nails Dogg with a clothesline and Eddy puts the boots to him. Saturn with a Northern Lights suplex, followed by an armbar and Dogg gets to the ropes to force the escape. He sits him on the top turnbuckle for a superplex, however a series of right hands sends Saturn crashing backwards to the canvas. Crossbody, but Saturn rolls through and reverses it into the ‘Rings of Saturn’ and Mr Ass is in there to break it up. Gunn avoids a Guerrero dropkick and takes it to the Radicalz sending Saturn to the floor with a back elbow. Jackhammer, Fame-asser and Saturn is back in to make the save. The referee is trying to keep Road Dogg out of there, Saturn with a belly to back suplex, Guerrero with the frog splash and you can immediately see him grab him forearm. Dogg pulls the official out the ring and Michael Cole thinks Eddy is seriously hurt. Cactus clothesline by Saturn on Gunn, and Road Dogg covers the injured Guerrero for the win.


First time I’ve seen this match in full. Wasn’t the story that Guerrero & Saturn were supposed to go over here to square it up at 1-1 ready for the Benoit/HHH finale and Eddy called an audible? On watching it I don’t get how these four couldn’t come up with an alternative finish if that was the case. You could do something as simple as Saturn clotheslining Gunn out the ring and small packaging Road Dogg for the pin. Despite their size difference Guerrero and Gunn worked well together and Eddy looked good. A bit of trepidation on Saturn’s part, but that roll through off the crossbody into the ‘Rings of Saturn’ was a cool spot.

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  • 2 months later...

I was upset about their burying the Radicalz two matches straight. Now I come here and read that they were supposed to win. That makes more sense when you're trying to debut new guys.


I don't hate the NAO as much as you lot do. But their pre-match schtick is definitely tiresome. As least The Rock sometimes uses different words in his tiresome promos.

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  • 2 months later...
  • GSR changed the title to [2000-02-03-WWF-Smackdown] New Age Outlaws vs Perry Saturn & Eddy Guerrero

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