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[2000-02-20-Saitama Pro] Survival Tobita vs Kendo Azteca


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No idea how to judge it but just the arena is ridiculous. Kendo Azteca lives up to his name coming out with a kendo stick and that is his main mode of offense. This goes about for a while until Tobita flips out and throws the boards that double as the mat at him and hits a back drop suplex to pick up the win. The fans that are there to witness this spectacle are delighted. **

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I really want mp3s of both pieces of entrance music. Awesome stuff. Pro wrestling gets avant garde. Somebody call Maury, because I think we know who the father of The Final Deletion is. What I find amusing about this is that the kendo stick strikes and the referee counts make this paced almost like a UWFI match since Tobita has to return to his feet by the 10-count in order to keep the match going. I wouldn't quite call this comedy, even though it's funny at times and the audience laughs quite a bit. I think it's more performance art. Something to behold for sure. Looking forward to more of this as a change in pace.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...
  • 1 month later...

The Legend of Survival Tobita! Finally, I'm watching this stuff after reading about it in the DVDVR all those years ago. For some reason, my version didn't have any sound but it's on YouTube if anyone has the same trouble. This was a lot of fun. The crowd alone were an interesting character study. Tobita lives to fight another day.

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  • 7 months later...

This is your typical bizarre Survival Tobita match. Tobita picking up the mats and ramming through Kendo Azteca with them for his comeback after having gotten battered with a kendo stick was hilarious.


I'm surprised DDT never really gave Tobita a chance as they've given backyarders a ton of opportunities to compete for them.

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  • 1 month later...

Pretty bizarre piece of professional wrestling here, but enjoyable. There were a few good comedy spots; I liked Tobita finally blocking the kendo stick and just getting punched in the face for his troubles. Tobita picks up the board and the crowd reacts like Lawler has just pulled down the strap. Silly stuff but oddly well paced, timed and built.

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  • GSR changed the title to [2000-02-20-Saitama Pro] Survival Tobita vs Kendo Azteca
  • 5 months later...

One guy in the front row is in hysterics and the match hasn’t even started.  The music does add an air of tension to this, the way Azteca has that Kendo stick raised above his head as he stalks after his opponent.  Tobita avoids the first two swings of the stick but not the third.  The basic gist is that Kendo keeps dropping Tobita with Kendo stick shots but every time he manages to get back to his feet and beat the count.  Before this gets too repetitive and the joke wears thin, Tobita picks up one of the mats that they’re fighting on and charges at Kendo, knocking him down.  Fisherman’s buster, figure four headscissors and Kendo taps.

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