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[2017-03-12-wXw-16 Carat Gold] WALTER vs Ilja Dragunov


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Dragunov is this schlubby dude whose stuff really doesn't look that good. However, the german fans took a liking to him and thus he gets a big push. This was good. Ilja isn't a spot guy, so they actually build to the spots and generate some drama. Walter just punishes the little guy which is what you want. The match went downhill a little when they did the endless chop exchange, but puro cosplaying comes with the territory I guess. I really liked how Walter just flattened Ilja when he tried to hulk up and the finish, even with Ilja's lacking execution, was good solid pro wrestling charm.

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  • 1 month later...

I'm a sucker for brutality. I just can't help it. These two went all in on putting together something memorable to cap the tournament off and - to me - mission accomplished. Ilja's chest was something to behold. That is one tough dude. I have seen people giving it top marks and it doesn't quite get there for me, but I still rate it very highly and think it is something special in the context of the tournament. ****1/2

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  • 6 months later...

I'm more with Jetlag on this match. It was a very good Indy match. Perfect for the venue and fans. I was getting into this as well. Walter is built like I dunno...a bank? Dude is big. Not fat, not muscular per se but, he's tall and thick. Anyhow, Dragunov is the physical underdog. Style wise they seem to be the same so, he doesn't have that advantage against a walking building either. It looks tough to top Walter in the hitting & throwing department.


The match clicked with me because Mr. D is trying to stick it out but, doesn't have the experience or smarts to get crafty. He was all heart in this match. Taking chops and boots like a fool. I was rooting for him...not bad considering I've never heard of or seen this guy. Perhaps like Rocky in the first movie...


Now my complaint: the structure or organization of the action. It didn't seem to have one until perhaps the end. Its rude to say it lacked structure but, it was one that I don't like. There was no apparent reason for the order of maneuvers. It was pretty Indy in the pejorative sense. BUT they kept shit simple with strikes, suplexes, and sleepers so, it could have been tremendously worse. This aspect is what I felt held it back from a 4 star type match. I don't have an issue saying 3.75 stars however.


I don't actively watch wXw so, take this all with a grain of salt. Maybe after I see more, it'll make more sense. Nonetheless, I'd highly recommend it to the curious. It was a fun watch!

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  • GSR changed the title to [2017-03-12-wXw-16 Carat Gold] WALTER vs Ilja Dragunov

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