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[2000-04-01-Michinoku Pro-Super J Cup] Naoki Sano vs SUWA


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Not quite as flashy as the first match, but good stuff, and probably the best outing I've seen from Sano so far this year. It's interesting to see how a lot of these guys work shorter matches when I've typically only seen them in longer matches, as it levels the playing field a bit between them and their American counterparts. That's not to say this isn't impressive, but more to say that the gulf isn't as wide as some might think. SUWA isn't as strong of an all-around performer as CIMA, but when it comes his strengths, which are mainly centered around American-style heeling, he's probably a little better. He almost feels like he should be either Gedo or Jado in the Gedo and Jado tag team. Impressive that Sano has started two decades doing matches in this style, and I'm really interested in seeing where the 2000s take him. ***

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I couldn't get past the interference here. It was way too liberal and the worst trope from Dragon Gate canon. In addition, I will say of all of the Tory guys, SUWA may be my least impressive and he especially hasn't measured up compared to CIMA, Sumo and Mochi. He hasn't been bad per say, just more reliant on a formula of being a heel in a way I feel like I have seen before. **1/2

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  • 2 months later...
  • 6 months later...

I didn't dig this as much as some of you and I also don't think this is the best Sano has looked so far this year as I thought he looked good in the Minoru Tanaka match and in the tag match with Ishikawa against Murakami and Otsuka from Battlarts. This isn't the best SUWA has looked either.


SUWA hit a beautiful tope over the top rope which was awesome, but the rest felt kinda flat. The Crazy MAX interferences are better when they're against Toryumon guys who they are familiar with and know how to get them over. Here it didn't worth.



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  • GSR changed the title to [2000-04-01-Michinoku Pro-Super J Cup] Naoki Sano vs SUWA

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