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What are your thoughts on making Wrestlemania a 2 day event?


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They discussed this on WOR over the weekend and it seems like an interesting concept.


The pros:


- Nothing would have to be rushed


- More people would get on the show.


- The show obviously wouldn't be 7 hours


- The fans there are staying for the whole weekend anyway, so selling tickets to it shouldn't be an issue


- It would hurt the various indy shows running there which is a plus for WWE


- Could lead to more publicity. There'd be two nights to talk about and it would certainly keep the IWC busy.


- It would be pretty original. There's no major wrestling event that has done this aside from Collison in Korea and AJW Dreamslam which ran a week or so apart.


The cons:


- It'd be lots of wrestling


- It would probably put an end to Wrestlemania parties/groups. Good luck getting people to come two days in a row.


- Would probably confuse people who don't pay attention any other time of the year. I could totally see "WTF, Wrestlemania is 2 days this year? OMG I didn't know".


- Would likely either bump NXT or the Hall of Fame which would hurt their attendances and people might not be able to afford it.


- I could see a lot of people only watching the 2nd night, especially busier people or older people who still watch on PPV.


Overall though, I think it's an idea worth trying. I'd be excited to see it happen and even though I haven't gone in years, I'd be tempted to.

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The 2 day event idea is something fun to think about but just doesn't seem overly feasible in this current WWF product. Even if you bump NXT out and you start to scatter those matches in... you are stuck with a possibly less interesting show on Saturday night. Of course they try to overload a Saturday show and then Sunday could suffer.


The real issue is all the BS between the contests and the music. It is obviously sports ENTERTAINMENT or should I said spots ENTERTAINMENT due to the way some people work but the lack of wrestling is mind boggling. The IC title was on the pre-show and a Shane McMahon match (although it was good) ends up on the show. We get two multi-women matches that don't really showcase the phenomenal talent that the women have and are just spot after spot.


I went off on a tangent there... long story short... two days could be awesome but I don't know if it would happen. They need to rethink about all the EXTRAS they are adding to the show itself... and put on the best card possible.

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I had a lot more fun with the satellite shows than with the WWE ones so anything that would negatively impact the viability there is a bad idea to me. I think a lot of what works about WrestleMania is that it is the grand sum of all of WWE distilled down into one night. If the idea is to have two WrestleManias per year I think beefing up the "mania" aspects of something like SummerSlam would be a better way to go.

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I had a lot more fun with the satellite shows than with the WWE ones so anything that would negatively impact the viability there is a bad idea to me. I think a lot of what works about WrestleMania is that it is the grand sum of all of WWE distilled down into one night. If the idea is to have two WrestleManias per year I think beefing up the "mania" aspects of something like SummerSlam would be a better way to go.

Echo this idea, especially since a larger Summerslam show would allow them to run an outdoor show in a city like Chicago that they can't touch in late March.
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If they split the two nights between the two brands, imagine the outrage we'd get over one brand having to go the night before the other.


In essence, I don't think it's a terrible idea, at least for how I like to consume wrestling, but for a promotion of this size with the sort of fanbase they have and appeal to, it's just not feasible. But in theory, if they split the show into a 3 hour block one night and a 4 or 5 hour block the next night with more "entertainment" filler, I wouldn't mind.


How would they brand it, you think? WrestleMania Day 1 and 2? Part 1 and 2? Sun and Moon? Alpha and Omega? Play button and Dallas star?

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I think it would be a good idea, if they kept each show just at three hours. That seems the right amount of time for a big show like this, anything less would seem too little, anything more too much. Maybe have the first night on the Network only, and have the 2nd one for PPV as well.


As far as the Hall of Fame, I don't see any reason it needs to be a big arena show anymore, especially with the Network airing it every year. Get it before a smaller audience, maybe in that much-rumored physical Hall of Fame, and you'll have something that can make for more compelling TV.

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With NXT and Hall of Fame, Mania is already a 3 day event.


I really like the idea of expanding Summer Slam or Survivor Series into a multi-day event. Giving one of those events a festival atmosphere would be the way to go.

All the big 4 ppvs get a Take Over Now in the same arena, they are all multi-day events, especially adding in Raw and sometimes SD in same arena.

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Didn't Crockett Cup run two nights? It's not a bad idea.

Only problem with that example is the shows didn't draw well, especially the jobberiffic first round night.




They could really get wacky and have Raw WM on the west coast in L.A. or whatever and then SD! in Florida/NY whatever. Maybe dump NXT in Chicago to give it the full Mania 2 flair.

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WM 33 could have had:

Night 1 - Brock/Goldberg, HHH/Rollins, Owens/Jericho, Ladder Match, Women's match, Aries/Neville

Night 2 - Taker/Roman, Orton/Wyatt, Cena's Mixed tag, AJ/Shane, Battle Royale, Women's Match, Corbin/Ambrose

Both would have been pretty decent cards with a little mix of everything. You could even set up something on Night 1 to payoff on Night 2.

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