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[2000-04-30-AAA] Sangre Chicana vs Hector Garza


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AAA continues to be better but not great. This was building along slowly but nicely in the first two caidas. but El Texano took over the second fall and the issue became more about him and Garza than the match proper. Add to that some more ref bumps and referees coming and there being that cloud looming over what Tirantes will do and this match lost its way. Garza wins the title in a nice moment. ***

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  • 4 weeks later...

Sangre Chicana still has a lot in the tank, and everyone involved here is really good at what they do, but AAA just isn't the right environment for them to have the kind of singles match with second involvement with overdoing it. Talk about a company that can't book anything without getting out of their own way. Rey Bucanero-Tarzan Boy in CMLL back in January was laid out similarly with Satanico in the Texano role and was far more tolerable because Satanico enhanced the action instead of actively taking away from it. In this case, Texano swallows the match whole, partially because he's in full gear and partially because he interferes way too much. This starts to feel like a bad 80s Dump Matsumoto match (as opposed to a good 80s Dump Matsumoto match). This didn't work for me at all.

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  • 2 weeks later...

It's Toro Irrison, not El Texano that seconded Sangre Chicana. He had a feud with Garza in the summer and this was the start of it. I don't know what you guys were expecting but this was pretty normal for AAA. Lots of heat, not much wrestling, and lots of interference. Toro, in particular, gets a lot of heat for taking out Hector Garza's dad and TropiCasas. I enjoyed it for what it was.

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  • 9 months later...
  • GSR changed the title to [2000-04-30-AAA] Sangre Chicana vs Hector Garza

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