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[2000-06-19-WWF-Raw] Kurt Angle vs Bubba Ray Dudley


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This was a strong singles effort for Bubba. He goes in there with Kurt and matches him pace for pace and shows off his high impact offense and bombs. He also does a strong job bumping off of Kurt’s big moves like the German. Angle is able to fly off and get the Angle Slam for the quick pin. Fun match. **1/4

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  • 4 weeks later...

Yeah I like this matchup. Bubba gets to show some solid singles work and stand out in a different and Kurt gets to go in a quick and focused match. They both looked good, ran through a lot of fun sequences and Kurt goes over clean while not sacrificing anything for Bubba. Good stuff.



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Competitive match between Bubba and Angle. Both worked a nice pace and each was able to show some offence. The story of the match in parts was Bubba selling the injured ribs from falling off the stage in a dumper on SmackDown the previous Thursday. Bubba did sell the ribs at various times but it didn't play in to the finish of the match. Angle won clean with the Olympic Slam. **1/4

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  • 7 months later...

Kurt says how he’s been all around the world spreading good cheer and it’s great to be in Nashville, TN! He’s been all around the world, has seen rednecks from all around the world and the people here are definitely the most genuine rednecks! His opponent tonight could very well be the biggest redneck of all time though, and while everyone knows that Bubba Ray Dudley likes to put his opponents through tables, he has a table of his own, one where he will proudly display the ‘King of the Ring’ crown when he wins the tournament. Bubba is holding his ribs as he makes his entrance, a result of being thrown off the stage in the dumpster on Smackdown. Kurt’s got a smirk on his face on seeing this thinking that Bubba will be easy pickings. He takes Bubba down right away after a go behind and cradles him for a pin, although that barely registers a one count. Stiff slap across the face by Bubba which he follows with some slaps to the chest and a belly to back suplex. ‘Bubba bomb’ for a two. He heads to the middle but Angle cuts him off with an overhead belly to belly superplex. Kurt tosses him over the top rope to the outside where he whips him into the barricades. Suplex on the metal ramp way and Bubba is back clutching those ribs. Angle misses a moonsault and Bubba with a near fall after a Samoan drop. Full nelson spinebuster sees Kurt barely kicks out in time. He avoids the splash in the corner and hits a German suplex on big Bubba. Now he’s the one too slow climbing the turnbuckles as Bubba with a superplex on him. Attempted cutter, but Kurt shoves him off into the ropes and he runs into the ‘Olympic slam’ as Angle advances in his quest for the ‘King of the Ring’ crown.


Strong outing from Bubba as we continue to get glimpses of the various tag wrestlers (Hardys, Dudleys, Edge & Christian) in a singles environment. He holds his own in there with Kurt and bumps nicely for Angle’s offense and various suplexes. Taking that overhead belly to belly superplex and going up for the German were especially impressive. He does seem to slip in and out of selling those ribs, but that’s a minor quibble on an otherwise enjoyable match.

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  • GSR changed the title to [2000-06-19-WWF-Raw] Kurt Angle vs Bubba Ray Dudley

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