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[2000-07-09-WCW-Bash at the Beach] Kevin Nash vs Goldberg


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Goldberg is on a hot streak of fun short matches but this was a flop. First, Scott Steiner has one of the most predictable turns on Nash that you have ever seen in your life. Beyond that, Nash looked freaking awful and when Hacksaw Duggan is exuding more effort in 2000 and stiffer shots, you have issues. Goldberg wins but it looks like he is going to be a face rather soon. 1/2*

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  • 3 weeks later...

I didn't find this to be so awful. It was short and plodding and didn't really come together to much and Goldberg looks incredibly more dynamic here than Nash but it was just a regular wrestling match. Steiner turning, like every angle in WCW, is indeed super telegraphed and pointless. Nash's half-assed sidewalk slam on Goldberg was pretty laughable but Goldberg brought out a nice superkick and judo throw.



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  • 4 weeks later...

Scott Hall’s WCW contract is on the line, and as Nash makes his way from his dressing room to the ring he spots Scott Steiner and asks him to watch his back. Steiner blows him off “I’m busy man!” and it looks like we might be getting a(nother) Steiner turn. Goldberg overpowers Nash on the lock up, backs him against the turnbuckles and cheap shots him on the break. Nash fires back and shows some aggression. Boot to the throat as Goldberg is backed in the corner, however he just grabs his foot, walks out and trips his standing leg out from under him. Suplex/Judo throw that ‘Big Sexy’ actually goes up for. Nice punches to the ribs followed by a superkick. Nash blocks a right and a chokeslam for a two. Steiner is out and on his way to ringside with Midajah to “watch Nash’s back”. Goldberg with a rear chinlock and Steiner grabs Hall’s contract and waves it under Nash’s face for him to use as motivation. Whip to the corner, Nash gets the foot up on a charging Goldberg and just about manages to sideslam him. ‘Big Sexy’ avoids the spear and Goldberg crashes into the turnbuckles. Nash sets him for the ‘jackknife’ when he’s attacked from behind by Steiner. Big boot to ‘Big Poppa Pump’, but pre-occupied by him, he gets walleyed by a spear. ‘Jackhammer’ for the three and no more Scott Hall in WCW.


I didn’t think this was bad at all, certainly better than the non-match they had on Nitro around a month ago. Don’t get me wrong, it’s not great or anything, just that expectations are very low when it comes to anything involving Kevin Nash. He had some nice intensity and aggression for a change, whilst Goldberg’s strikes looked good. Scott Steiner turned for the second time since April because well, that’s what you do in WCW (although it was plain something was up from the way he responded when Nash asked him to watch his back).

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  • GSR changed the title to [2000-07-09-WCW-Bash at the Beach] Kevin Nash vs Goldberg

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