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[2000-07-16-ECW-Heatwave] Justin Credible vs Tommy Dreamer (Stairway to Hell)


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I have added a thread here almost solely based on the XPW incident before the match. Who knows if it was a work or shoot but it was fun to watch. Dreamer brings out Gorgeous George along with Jazz as his secret weapons. The match here showed that Credible just doesn't have the chops to be the top guy. As intense as Rhino and Sandman was, Dreamer & Co. were bumbling around and walk fighting to the back. The bump Dreamer took from the set of bleachers was also ugy. The stitpulation here is really pasted on and the match reaches a nadir when George turns on Jazz and aligns up with Francine. Francine gets her top pulled off and is wearing pasties. Dreamer is able to kick out of 1 That's Incredible but succumbs to the second that I think was supposed to be in the barbed wire. **1/4

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As shown by the positive reviews of some of the matches, Heatwave 2000 is a pretty fun show, with a hot crowd. The 4 way match between Tajiri/Psychosis/Little Guido/Mike Whipwreck is a good match as well. The problem, as shown by this match, was that while there was lots of fun, up and coming workers in the opening matches and the midcard, it was the played out Dreamer vs Credible storyline on top, which fans just weren't that into. There's a lot outside of the 'booking and storyline' stuff that killed ECW, but you do wonder what would have happened in terms of interest if some of the guys like Tajiri and Crazy that were seemingly forever stuck in their one position on the card with each other might have been able to interact more with the established 'names' in the main event and taken that style away from the plunder style and crowd brawling.

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  • GSR changed the title to [2000-07-16-ECW-Heatwave] Justin Credible vs Tommy Dreamer (Stairway to Hell)

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