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[2000-06-Portland-Total Chaos TV] Buddy Wayne vs Chuck Gordy


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Wayne jumps Gordy the moment he steps through the ropes and before he’s even had the chance to remove his ring robe. There’s a bit of urgency about this which makes a pleasant change for this promotion. I spoke to soon, as after only fifteen seconds the commentator starts to talk about The Grappler and says that they want to show us some tape of a few weeks ago when he bought ‘the Breakfast Club’ back to Portland. We leave the Wayne/Gordy match to go to a tag encounter between Brian Cox & Mark Large against Juggernaut and an unnamed partner. The Grappler and Blake Cruel interject themselves into the match and jump Cox and Large. They hit them with milk cartons, sending the milk flying everywhere and then empty cereal packets over them as the commentator mentions how this reminds him of the actions of The Grappler and Brian Adams back in the day. The Grappler then announces that ‘the Breakfast Club’ is back and Cruel calls the fans Portland pissants! We return to the match in hand, but they have some more tape that they want us to see, this time involving Michelle Starr and Billy Two Eagles. Whoever was doing the post-match edit clearly didn’t do a good job as that footage never airs, although the commentator acts like it did. Gordy with a double leg takedown/feet on the ropes pin like I just watched in the Cabana/Punk match, however here the official sees the feet on the ropes and stops his count before the three. He celebrates thinking he’s won the match, but after the ref informs him he never, he gives him a shove. Schoolboy roll up by Wayne, grabbing hold of the middle rope for added leverage, and he gets the win.


A nothing match, despite my initial optimism, which was just a backdrop for everything else that they wanted to talk about. I will say that ‘the Breakfast Club’ stuff is by far the best thing I’ve watched in Portland so far, and the one thing I would recommend checking out. The Grappler is someone I hope we see more of, while this Cruel is a big, gnarly looking dude. The closing comments from the commentary team, in trying to persuade people to come down to their TV tapings were, “as exciting as it is on television, it doesn’t what you can see in person”. It’s alright, I’ll take their word on that one!

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