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[2009-06-07-WWE-Extreme Rules] CM Punk vs Umaga (Samoan Strap)

Superstar Sleeze

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CM Punk vs Umaga - Extreme Rules 2009 Samoan Strap Match


Great David vs Goliath Match here. Umaga is such a great monster and CM Punk does make for a great plucky underdog babyface. Umaga hits a massive reverse elbow to gain command. Good back n forth with missed moves. Punk hits the run up knee to stop Umaga on 3rd corner, but Umaga sends him flying on the bulldog. Umaga misses the headbutt. I like how they each missed something there. Umaga hits a big Samoan Drop to go into the heat segment and then beats him down with the leather strap. Umaga hits his headbutt and is in total control. Umaga pulls Punk's arm up against the post and then slams into the steps. Unfortunately, this doesn't go anywhere because it was the start of something that looked like it could be cool. Umaga hangs him out to dry. Nice superkick by Umaga. Umaga is such a complete monster. Great offense, but also can bump and show vulnerability. He is excellent in this role as a gatekeeper so that CM Punk could his earn his stripes before his big push the next month. Punk being on the outside impedes Umaga's progress. Punk hits a springboard clothesline for a hope spot because when he goes for a Go 2 Sleep, he eats a heel kick. Umaga misses the splash in the corner and Punk pulls the strap so that Umaga ballshotted himself. CM Punk chants start up. He was definitely over. Run up knee and bulldog. Punk gets three and then Umaga DESTROYS Punk with the spin out slam. GREAT CUTOFF! Best spot of the match! Umaga gets three corners, but Punk wraps himself in the ropes and Umaga charges but goes over the ropes. Punk gets three corners, but Umaga is on the outside and yanks him and breaks Punk's momentum. Punk uses the strap to make Umaga take the Vader bump. Punk gets three, Umaga charges, GO 2 SLEEP!


Excellent strap match. No downtime. Umaga was convincing on top, but also fed Punk good spots. Punk was great in his resiliency and persistence. Punk feels like a star. ****

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