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Wushu - Is this Pro-Wrestling?

El McKell

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Choreographed fight sequences performed in front of a live crowd, I don't know much about Wushu but it seems to me that it in some ways is basically pro-wrestling but i'm sure others would disagree. See the link below and other than the fact that it has no real winner as such tell me why isn't this pro-wrestling


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In the sense that it's an artform based on real fighting that is choreographed, yes, but then so are Hollywood fight scenes. I do love how the sequence linked uses a Burning Hammer as a finish, though.


If pro wrestling were to ever make it to some form of legitimate competition, where judges base their ratings on delivery of sequences and workrate and whatnot, this is what I imagine it would look like.

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In the sense that it's an artform based on real fighting that is choreographed, yes, but then so are Hollywood fight scenes.

I do feel that by having to do it live and not getting multiple takes to do it over if needed the fact that they won't edit the scene together from multiple takes brings this much closer to wrestling that a movie fight scene.

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yeah that was pretty fucking good. If we're gonna be talking about 2 on 1s i'm a fan of the one that starts at like 15:40 in this video https://youtu.be/Kxd7bITwVZw?t=941

Same finish as the one you linked though which might be a negative if you wanna see something new, but it's still really good.

I expect I'll be bored of Wushu in like a week but for now I'm having a lotta fun watching it

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Hahaha! I don't want to admit it but same here! My Wushu phase will pass but, it is a blast. I was psyched seeing the choke slam in the above even though the finish was similar. That must be like the Doomsday Device of Wushu :)


I've been watching the Wushu matches (?) with weapons too and thinking, "yeah...this could kinda be a hardcore/deathmatch" :D

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