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[1991-06-01-WWF-Superstars] Earthquake, Jimmy Hart and Andre the Giant


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  • 2 months later...

Jimmy Hart announces that he has formed the mother of all tag teams -- Earthquake and Andre the Giant.


Quake and Andre size each other up before shaking hands. Andre reveals that he has not signed with Jimmy Hart and has a laugh before Earthquake sneak attacks him and works over his leg.


I guess Jake isn't getting revenge for Damian's death, as he seems to be moving on to other things now.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I actually rather liked this angle as a payoff to the ongoing Andre/managers stuff. Nice to see Jimmy getting one over on Andre. The Giant takes his lumps despite apparently needing Jimmy's assistance to get to the ring. I can't fathom that there were any plans to actually run this as a match, but they give this angle a hell of a lot of time, and for what it is it's a decent way to make use of the guy in his advanced years.


"One thing you gotta say about Andre, he did a lot better than Damian did!" I miss heel Savage.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Jimmy runs down all the way to the entrance so Andre can use him to balance as he walks to the ring. Earthquake and Andre would have been a cool tag team. Andre finally gets on the wrong side of a manager as Jimmy was smart enough to have his wrestler there. Andre can barely move but still does a believable job of selling the leg injury.

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  • 1 month later...
  • 1 month later...
  • 1 year later...

This is the type of angle that would have led to sold-out houses ten, or even five, years before. Unfortunately, all it led to now was a series of Andre appearances as a do-nothing cornerman for various faces as they went against Quake. The angle itself was still masterfully done, as befits a legend, and despite the fact that most fans with a working pair of eyes knew that the Giant was almost unable to move (or speak, as Jimmy carried 98% of the interview before the attack), Quake still looked like a badass for taking him down.


Savage was at his prickish best here, with the line comparing Andre to Damien and also his inside reference to this being "last call" for Andre the legendary drinker. For his part, Vince repeated some lines he'd used in the past: he's never seen the Giant down like this before (at least since Duggan knocked him out with the two-by-four) and he won't allow the indignity of watching Andre crawl back to the dressing room to continue (which is in the same ballpark as the infamous "raping Andre's dignity" call from the Studd/Patera haircut angle). Piper tried to sell Andre as being the force of nature he once was, someone who will come back to beat Quake, but I doubt even he believed it.


What this needed was a babyface to make the save for Andre and take his part against Quake. I know Jake was already starting to turn, but what about Duggan? Sure, he'd fought Quake before, but it would have been a good way to get him back in the midcard mix. How about Bossman, which would have tied in with the Mountie feud? Or the LOD, which would have set them up with the Nasties quite nicely? As a kind of afterthought, they stuck the Bushwhackers in that spot, but only to put over the Natural Disasters, if I recall correctly. Andre deserved someone who was fighting directly for, and because of, him.


I loved Andre's selling too, especially knowing that it really wasn't all selling. What a dedicated performer he still was to go through with an angle like this that had to be legitimately painful, even with Quake taking it easy on him. I was actually rooting for him to walk out of the arena under his own power, although it was neither desirable in a kayfabe sense nor possible in real life.

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  • 2 years later...
  • GSR changed the title to [1991-06-01-WWF-Superstars] Earthquake, Jimmy Hart and Andre the Giant

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