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[1991-09-21-WCW-Saturday Night] Lex Luger and Tom Zenk


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  • 3 months later...

Clip from another show recently. Tom Zenk is angry on behalf of the fans for Luger turning his back on him and is yelling at Race and Hughes about it. Luger finally comes out and says he'll allow Zenk to walk if he drops this right now. Luger ends up giving him a piledriver, which injures him, and now Zenk is a referee while he recovers. Silly angle. Tom Zenk is really the best they could do for an angle like this? I can't figure out if they needed to build challengers to make Luger look good, or if Luger needed to put over potential challengers, but this is neither.


They cap this off with Jim Ross interviewing Zenk about all of this. What a lame-o.

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  • 1 month later...

The newest referee in WCW is...the Z-Man. Oh YAY. If there's one angle from the previous 2 years I wanted to see recycled, it was the WWF Ronnie Garvin retirement storyline. Zenk is LIVID about Luger turning his back and ALL OF THESE KIDS, and for not returning his phone calls. Z-Man is injured by one piledriver...wait, I thought it was Cactus Jack who "ended his career." Way to get the new talent over.


Z-Man vows to play it fair and call the upcoming tag match right down the middle and hypes how great the match will be. Ugh all the way around.

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  • 2 weeks later...

The newest referee in WCW is Z-Man. They ripping off Ronnie Garvin? Cappetta is doing the interview but gives Luger a proper entrance. Luger appears to be the master of the piledriver at this point. Z-Man has been assigned to referee a tag match involving Luger and Hughes. Yeah, that’s going to be biased.

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  • 9 months later...
  • 1 year later...

What was the point of this anyway? If it was to get Zenk over as a possible World title contender, it was a total flop. One piledriver puts him out of wrestling, and a sloppy-looking one at that? Gee, what a tough guy that Z-Man is, huh? All we needed was a stretcher job, and we didn't see the rest of the clip, so I'm assuming he did one if he's supposedly badly injured.


As for the idea of stealing the Ronnie Garvin angle, they missed the boat there too. The whole point of the Garvin angle was that he was trying to get under Valentine's skin any way he could, not just as a referee but as a ring announcer (remember SummerSlam '89?) and in a few other ways I can't think of right now. He was doing what he was doing not because he wanted to be a referee, but solely to drive the Hammer nuts. If Dusty's intent was to steal that angle, Zenk should have been promising a long night for Luger and Hughes one way or the other. But Zenk's too earnest to pull it off, plus Luger's World champion and really shouldn't be made a fool of like that The best way to handle this would have simply been to add Zenk to the list of Luger's challengers along with Simmons and Windham. Of course, who would have really seen him as a serious contender compared to Simmons and Windham, anyway?


Nice touch on Luger's part calling Zenk "Tom" instead of "Z-Man". For whatever reason, WCW wanted us to forget that Zenk had a name at all, so it was nice of Luger to remind us.


It looks like Dusty may have been cribbing from Hogan-Orndorff too with the bit about the unreturned phone calls, which somehow sounds more believable in this case than when Orndorff used it.



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  • 2 years later...
  • GSR changed the title to [1991-09-21-WCW-Saturday Night] Lex Luger and Tom Zenk

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