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[1974-10-23-Joint Promotions] Abe Ginsberg vs Pete Curry


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Abe Ginsberg wrestles half this bout wearing a leather helmet. Seriously one of the strangest gimmicks I've seen.


This is one of the funnest WoS matches. These are two burly heavyweights doing all these cool takedowns and matwork. Not only that, but you get a neat story. Walton keeps talking about how Ginsberg likes to break the rules, even attacking Walton, but Ginsberg wrestles a clean match, shows off his skills doing all these cool tricks and eventually takes off his helmet. In a way it feels like an in-match face turn from Abe which helps make this bout special. And then they forearm the snot out of eachother anyways! Strange to watch considering this is the only WoS bout of Abe on tape (that we have), but it's an example of how much character and story you can put into a seemingly throwaway technical bout on TV. Walton does a great job aswell. This is in a way The Abe Ginsberg show altough Pete Curry ain't too shabby either.

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